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Network Check in and Working Groups

Monday, Nov14, 2022 -12pm-1pm


It's been a while since the Summit in May. It's time to check in with the Network participants and make some progress on our shared goals​. Please come ready to work in one of our content area intiatitives:


  • Legislative Working Group 

  • Volunteerism - Sharing resources  

  • Technology and Geographic Information Systems

  • Funding and Grants

  • Other Topics to be announced


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 8496 1303

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Expanding Understanding of Accessibility

Monday, Oct 17, 2022 -12pm-1pm


Making trails more accessible to individuals with disabilities often seems like an unachievable goal when we use the single standard of full ADA compliance. However, there are many strategies and accommodations that we can make to our existing trails systems to make them more welcoming and adaptive for everyone. We have experts from adaptive recreation to share some experiences and tools that can expand our understanding of how accessible trails are.


Mia Hansen, Southern Arizona Adaptive Sports

Sandy Heath, Assistant Professor, Parks and Recreation Management, NAU

Jerry Ketelhut, Daring Adventures

Kaitlin Verfuerth, Ability 360



Additional Resources from Jan Hancock:

"The state of Oregon has amazing trailhead and trails accommodations for persons with disabilities that I think are among the best in the nation for equestrian trail users with physical disabilities.

Here is a link to my 300-page guidebook that was developed in partnership with the USDA Forest Service Technology & Development Program in Missoula, Montana, and the US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration in Washington,DC.  (*this publication had 35 reviewers and national agencies such as BLM, Fish & Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, etc., use this in their trails standards references.)  Even though this publication was originally written in 2007, it has been republished since then and is now used all around the world.


Chapter 11 in my book "Designing for Riders With Disabilities" on pages 212-218 has some excellent information for riders with disabilities, and Chapter 10 has some great references and resources, architectural drawings, and designs for "Accessible Gates" on pages 194 and 195 that are being used successfully around the world.  Here is a link to the review of this publication from American Trails:


Trails accessibility is a topic near and dear to my heart and I've worked closely with Peter Axelson with Beneficial Designs and Mike Passo, the Executive Director of American Trails, on accessibility education and information for equestrian trail users for many years (they are both wheelchair trail users)  I have a developmentally disabled daughter, and I conduct webinars about the success of the PATH International program worldwide for persons with disabilities, and my horse, named Partner, is a therapy horse at a PATH International Center, "Horses Help" in Phoenix right now, working with veterans with both physical and emotional disabilities such as PTSD, TBI, and as well as veterans missing limbs who are regaining their body balance utilizing my horse and several others at Horses Help, just a few of the outstanding pf the 8,000 trained therapy horses in this this program's worldwide 800 centers.  Path International is headquartered in Denver, is the link to this amazing organization and their veterans assistance program:

Counting and Characterizing Visitors with Geofencing

Monday, Sept 19, 2022 -12pm-1pm


We chatted with William SaintArmor with Cobalt Community Research regarding their community data program and its potential application to count trail users and traffic using cellular data.  




AppreciateAZ Program 

Monday, June 20, 2022 -12pm-1pm


The Arizona Office of Tourism and the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics© forged a partnership to promote sustainable tourism practices across Arizona's spectacular landscapes and unique destinations. For a richer experience, learn how you can protect Arizona's iconic natural features while enjoying these spectacular destinations.


Think you know it all? Get certified as a Leave No Trace expert and take the Appreciate AZ pledge. Our friends from Arizona Office of Tourism will tell us more.


Click here for a link to the AppreciateAZ Program


OHV Advocacy and Outreach

Monday, March 28, 2022 -12pm-1pm


Rebecca Antle from the Az State Association of 4 Wheel Drive (AzSA4WD) will talk about projects and OHV Outreach as well as positive impacts from the OHV community



SCORP Update - AZ State Parks and Trails

Monday, February 28, 2022 -12pm-1pm

Please Zoom in and join us online for our next open discussion on trails in Arizona led by the Network for Arizona Trails

  • Dawn Collins from Arizona State Parks & Trails will be joined with partners from Arizona State University to present findings from the stakeholder engagement meetings. 

We will also share updates from our Statewide Committee on Outdoor Recreation Enhancement (SCORE) and the Concurrent Resolution that recently passed the State Legislature


Click Here for Zoom Recording of Presentation

So, You Wanna Talk Ebikes?

Monday, January 24, 2022 -12pm-1pm


Come ready to engage in conversation with fellow trail managers, users and advocates. Learn about the latest theory on management and what your neighbors are (or are not) up to on the topic.



12:00pm Introductions and Orientation to Zoom 

12:05pm  Round Robin Updates

Land Managers - local, state, federal


Get Outdoors Arizona legislation 

12:15pm Ebikes - Resources for Policy and Strategy

Ashley Lovell : People for Bikes

Jeff Sanderson : Bureau of Reclamation

Martin Ince : City of Flagstaff

Claire Miller : City of Phoenix 

Tammy Pike : Bureau of Land Management

1:00pm Adjourn and after-meeting networking opportunity (15 min)



Resources from the Zoom

Presentations/ Materials:


Ash Lovell : People for Bikes

Download pdf of presentation


Jeff Sanderson : Bureau of Reclamation


Martin Ince : City of Flagstaff

Download pdf of presentation


Claire Miller : City of Phoenix 

Download pdf of presentation


Tammy Pike : Bureau of Land Management


Other Resources from Chat:


City of Flagstaff: Electric bicycles and electric scooter survey results​


BLM: E-bikes on Public Lands​


Information on 2022 Summit for Arizona Trails





Click above to download the ebike etiquette infographic created by Tread Lightly! for FOX Factory and the Trail Trust Program. For additional information on use of this image, additional customization or support, please contact Matt Caldwell with Tread Lightly! 

Click below for Zoom recording
(first few minutes cut off)


738 N. 5th Avenue #200  Tucson AZ 85705

©2021 by Network for Arizona Trails.

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