Monthly Statewide Zoom July:
Planning for Outdoor Recreation
Monday, Sept 20, 2021 12p-1p
Please Zoom in and join us online for our next open discussion on trails in Arizona led by the Network for Arizona Trails.
This month we'll hear from Dawn Collins with AZ State Parks and Trails on the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), focused specifically on their stakeholder involvement efforts and how Network participants can weigh in on this important planning process. (Study up before the session by checking out the SCORP website here.)
We will also take some time to check in with land managers and partners regarding the pandemic and how everyone is handling the case surge related to the Delta variant.
Registration is not necessary if you've attended a previous Statewide Trails Zoom call!
Wendy Lotze is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Monthly Trails Zoom - September 2021
Time: Sep 20, 2021 12:00 PM Arizona
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