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Monthly Statewide Zoom July:
Trails and Emerging Technology

Monday, July 19, 2021

Please Zoom in and join us online for our next open discussion on trails in Arizona led by the Network for Arizona Trails. This month, Rich Smith from the Tonto Recreation Alliance will lead an open discussion about the changing role of technology in the experience of trail users and how land managers, trail advocates and volunteers are trying to integrate with and utilize these tools. We're looking this time specifically at mapping apps which interact with personal digital devices and phones.

If you or your organization would like to share your experiences with this kind of technology as part of the presentation, contact Wendy at


Registration is not necessary if you've attended a previous Statewide Trails Zoom call! 

Wendy Lotze is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Monthly Trails Zoom - July 2021
Time: Jul 19, 2021 11:45 AM Arizona

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